

人文与比较文学研究学院(Faculty of Humanities and Comparative Studies)

人文跨学科研究中心(Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities (CISH))

历史系(Department of History)

文学、电影与戏剧研究系(Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies)

英国戏剧表演学校(East 15 Acting School)

国际学院(International Academy)

哲学与艺术史学院(School of Philosophy and Art History)

法学与商学院(Faculty of Law and Management)

埃塞克斯商学院(Essex Business School)

法学院(School of Law)

人权中心(Human Rights Centre)

民主与纠纷研究所(Institute for Democracy and Conflict Resolution)

专业发展研究(Professional Development Studies)

理学与工程学院(Faculty of Science and Engineering)

生物科学学院(School of Biological Sciences)

数学系(Department of Mathematical Sciences)

心理学系(Department of Psychology)

计算机科学与电气工程学院(School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering)

卫生与人类科学学院(School of Health and Human Sciences)

社会科学学院(Faculty of Social Sciences)

心理分析研究中心(Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies)

经济学系(Department of Economics)

政府学系(Department of Government)

语言与言语系(Department of Language and Linguistics)

社会学系(Department of Sociology)

社会与经济研究所(Institute for Social and Economic Research)

数据存档研究中心(UK Data Archive)